forever lost in the deep blue

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Time for a little change.

I thought about it over the last few weeks and have come to a decision. It really is time to change my habits. Frankly, I don't see any other viable options.

Well so be it, from tomorrow as the new day dawns so will a new beginning for me.

arghhh nothing too drastic ... :oP

Just going to give vegetarianism another try and this time not break down at the site of a few sea creatures, like last time.

I thought about raw foodism and I simply cannot see how I could live on raw veggies for the rest of my life. The thought of marinating egg-plants till they get mushy and then digging in, simply holds no attraction for me.
Just trying to picture it makes me want to puke!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. The most important "little change". Decided to stay away from sugar, sweeties, and chocolate bars for at least 3 weeks. Now this is going to be very very hard, especially as I start clinicals.
What the heck! If I don't heal myself how am I to help others ...

Life has been pretty boring for the past few days, exams are hardly worth getting excited over.
Just have one week of it left.

My baby brother just reached his 21st year, I suppose he's no longer a baby anymore.
The lucky sod is off to Nice for a weekend with his mates, hope he has a good time. I really do miss both my siblings.

The ducks are doing very well these days though. Still pretty much in pairs...

Thursday, January 06, 2005

I want a refund!

I am exhausted both mentally and physically.
do you not wonder why you put yourself through unnecessary agony and angst?

Frankly at this point in time my life majorly sucks!
I know, I know, I know, I use that word far too much but what can I do , it's the best expletive to describe my life.

Wish I could get a refund.
Wonder if the Gods would listen...

me: Hello God, how are you today?
God: Hello dear, not too bad. what about you?
me: Well god it's not going to well at the moment. Do you think you could give me a refund or an exchange? This particular life seems to be a little too constrictive for me....I need a bigger size :oD

Am I truly here or am I nothing more than the hallucination of some over active neural network?

Brains In Jars and Matrix galore!

better go back to least the answers can be found in a book. :op

que sera sera...

Saturday, January 01, 2005

A new year, a new me?

Well 2005 has been ushered in with a lot less fanfare than 2004 and instead of wishing for a happier year, we go around wishing the world for a peaceful and calmer year.
2004 was certainly what could be termed as eventful. From Iraq to the many children who suffered in the Indian fire incident, from the town of Beslan to the Catastrophe which rocked the world all the way in the Indian Ocean, "eventful" is an understatement.

The toll of those who died in the Tsunami is increasing by the hour, reaching already 150 000. Prayers seem to be useless in this time of need and I am really starting to wonder whether the Gods are listening.
I am severely disappointed with the governments of all the Asian countries involved in the Tsunami disaster. Be it Sri Lanka, Indonesia or India, they are not in my opinion doing enough. On a daily basis I now hear of mismanagement, of highjacked lorries full of supplies, I read about monks complaining that they have received nothing in terms of government aid. I start to wonder whether the Sinhala government even cares for its own people. I mean I do realise that it certainly does not give a toss about the Tamilians nor the Moslems but I was hoping that at least it would lend a hand to its own.
Of course I was hoping despite all my earlier ranting that the division between Tamilians and Sinhalese would not stand in this time of devastation, in fact I still am.
I am still puzzled as to why Sri Lanka refused the medical expertise of Israeli doctors. Did Ms Kumaratunga think that Israel would help the LTTE or something? I had always thought that the Israeli and Sri Lankan states were very good pals.

Despite all this, I have regained confidence in the Human Race. I was astonished and so pleased by the Brits and their generosity. The British government could do more, certainly when compared to the $500 000 pledged by Japan, what Britain has pledged seems paltry. However the Brits have astonished me and am extremely proud of them. In fact I am proud of everyone! The world has rallied around and everyone I know is wanting to help in whatever way they can. In the face of this my paltry donation looks ridiculous and am thoroughly ashamed of it. I shall seriously try to save up more money to donate.

I know this year ended on an awful note but it still had for many of us many little windows of joy and happiness that we do not wish to forget. I too had some moments. I made new friends, discovered new depths to my laziness and identified some major flaws in my character, which I am hoping to remedy in this year.

Resolution number one: less time dreaming
Resolution number two: time on the net must be more productive and spend a lot less time on forums
Resolution number three: pass the third year!

I have so many plans for this year, I really should spend a little moment writing them down in the form of achievable goals.
Of course being a Bridget Jones fan, I couldn't possibly omit the resolution to find myself a potential other half, not a better half but simply an another lost soul. Better halves are far too arrogant and pompous, they simply are too good for one. The irony is of course that if the half stood in front of my nose and screamed at me, I would run at the speed of thought and do my best to avoid it. Frankly I sometime wonder why I waste time wishing for something that I plainly cannot cope with.
Yes, relationships of non-platonic nature are not for me, well not yet anyway.

I have certainly improved my Tamil reading skill in 2004, hope to improve it further this year. This in a very convoluted way takes me back to the question of who am I really?
I don't think that I am a hybrid, considering that my parents and all their ancestors as far as I can confirm are Tamilians. Having gown up in Europe, I however do not consider myself to be a hundred percent Tamil, although I have been told that my outlook on life is very much that of a conservative Tamilian. However that is simply because I am extremely conservative and not because I am Tamil in origin.
So who am I?

Well I think I have confused myself quite enough for today. Perhaps tomorrow might be more fruitful.

Oh and I almost forgot, a new year certainly but a new me, don't count on it buddy! ;o)