forever lost in the deep blue

Monday, December 27, 2004

death cometh from the sea

I cried so much on Sunday I don't think I can shed anymore tears.
All I can think about is those poor souls in Sri Lanka.

I have no idea what it feels to be in the middle of such a disaster, I wish I could be there and help out. They need people as well as equipment, food, medicines and monetary assistance. I feel completely useless.

In the mist of this disaster, when everyone is rallying around and helping each other, the Sinhala bigots in the Sri Lankan Parliament seem hell bent on using the calamity against the Tamilians, by sending as little relief support as possible to the North-East.
apart from Galle in the southern part of the isle, the North-East has been the most affected, with more than 8000 people dead in the region, and more than 500 000 displaced families. How are they to cope?
They had to deal with the hardship of on ongoing civil-war, that the power seeking Sinhala politicians wish to keep alive against the will of many of their own people, I must add. Some people are not aware of the fact that the Sinhala rural poor relies heavily on military remittances for daily survival, so they too oppose the peace process.
The Tsunami to add more woes has dislodged all the land mines. The hospitals once the best in the whole island are now so depleted by the war of personnel and equipments, cannot cope at all.
Morgues are so full, bodies are being dumped outside hospitals. There is no safe drinking water, all has been contaminated by sea water. If standards of hygiene are not restored rapidly we face epidemics of cholera, typhus and malaria to name but a few.
One wonders what indeed Lord Muruga is thinking of, when his people are suffering so?

I pray that the Gods are listening to our prayers.

Nedinthivu was affected, of that we are quite sure but how much damage is yet unknown. I simply hope that it isn't as bad as Mullaithivu.
The waiting game is the worst. Not knowing what is happening, if they are still alive or not?
and those lost at sea, I guess we shall never know...

If having to worry about relatives is not enough, friends had to decide to spend their holidays and electives in Sri Lanka too.
In a way I am quite envious of her, at least she is there and is able to help out, while I sit here as useful as a sac of potatoes.

Could the whole thing have been prevented or at least the damage contained to just material loss rather than human loss?
of course!!
If only Chandrika had been willing to spend money on any preventative measures as opposed to spending it all on arms and new recruits (from the Sinhala rural poor).

Sri Lanka's National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency
(NARA) or the Meteorology Department do not have the resources to receive early
warning information released by International Monitoring stations that monitor
seismic activity so that Sri Lanka's citizenry can be alerted in time of
impending tsunamic waves. Had these organizations taken a few diligent steps
Sunday's tsunamic disaster may have been reduced to just loss of property, and
loss, perhaps, of few lives. Source:Tamilnet.

I am sorry to rant so much. I had to get it all out of my chest before I get consigned to Bedlam.

Nature has once again showed that there is no force more powerful than Her. When faced with Natural catastrophes we can do nothing but try and limit damage. We shall never be able to conquer the might of Mother Nature when unleashed. We simply have to accept this fact, mourn and come up with better alert mechanisms.