forever lost in the deep blue

Monday, October 31, 2005

Pick Me !!

"I lied, I need you beyond everything else. You're my dopamine, serotonine and epinephrine, without you I'm just a walking talking vegetable. I want you to love me, to need me so much that I hate myself. I love you enough to let you have the last piece of chocolate cake, enough to let you have the remote 3/4 of the time, enough to be let you walk all over me.
Pick me, Pick me, Pick me!!!
Pick me above the shadow which is haunting your future..."

A slightly shall we say edited version of Meredith's speech to McDreamy, but the essence has been retained.
The question is not whether McDreamy would choose Meredith above "the ruler of all that is evil", but how one picks the true one out the millions of mirages...

"fools in love", are there any creatures more pathetic?
I doubt it, love blinds and hurts so much that to dull the pain we're willing to drown in anything...

Life of an adult is over complicated by meaningless meaningless conjectures.
We refuse to see what is so plainly visible, we refuse to accept the truth, and we hide the truth so well that we believe our lies ourselves...

It took Meredith an awful lot of courage to say what she had to say to McDreamy, but "Satan in the salmon coloured scrubs" too had made a desperate attempt to salvage her drowned marriage.
Humans are capable of so much when a lot is at stake.

Wonder if it wouldn't be easier just to walk away in regrets??

You may lose it all, but life is such that somebody always walks along your path, and although you may never regain what you lost you may have something new...

Lies, lies, and more lies......The truth may set you free, but lies keep you within the happy warm circle.

What this is about you may wonder, well do so no longer.
I lied to him from day one, by omission initially but later the charade was perpetuated, and it became a lie.
Will he forgive me?
I hope so wholeheartedly.
I doubt I could move on, I doubt that I have enough courage to tell him the truth and accept his disappointment.

May be this Skanda Sashti I should pray for courage and forgiveness, may be he values me enough to ...


quote du jour:

Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the others.



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