forever lost in the deep blue

Saturday, November 20, 2004

dreams, dreams and more dreams

Days and nights spent dreaming dreams big and small, from the most fanciful to the most mundane, come back to haunt me.
I am by nature more of a dreamer than a do-er, I could happily waste entire days doing nothing but buidling castles in the air, which is most likely why I am where I am today.

Dream you should but one cannot live in ones dreams, for they are but mere fictional creations of overactive minds. They have no place in the cold reality of this world.

My dreams often take back in time to parallel universe where life is so much different from what it truly is.

Am I wasting my time dreaming of the impossible?

Well honestly the answer cannot help but be ambiguous.
Of course I am wasting precious hours I could spend learning new things, yet at the same time this is the only way I keep sane. I find it hard to cope with life in general but to add to my woes Latvia is proving even more depressing, not due to itself or its people more the combined effect of school, my inability to concentrate for very long and my dislike of what constitute the society of foreign students.

I guess my answer to loneliness and failure is and always has been the escape provided by my dreams.

I wish now to escape from those dreams which have buffered and conforted me for so long.

Dream, Dream fly away to the land of the sandman, and come no longer to fill my days and nights with thy sweet fragrance.


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